Sunday 18 January 2015

Food Groups

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There are so many types of food available throughout the world that enlisting them one by one is a tedious task and that is why each type of food is assigned a group so that classifying foods according to their properties is easier. The nutrition of food is accounted by the food groups to which they belong and the amounts in which they are consumed.

Basically foods are easily classified depending on their functions in the body as:

Energy Yielding:

It includes foods rich in carbohydrates, fat and protein. 1g of carbohydrate and protein provides 4 calories each. 1 g of fat gives 9 calories.

This group can be further divided as:
  • Cereals, pulses, nuts and oilseeds, roots and tubers.
  • Pure carbohydrates like sugars and fats and oils.

In addition to energy, large amounts of proteins, minerals and vitamins are provided by cereals. Pulses also provide protein and B Vitamins apart from energy. Nuts and oilseeds are good sources of fats and proteins and yield a good amount of energy. Roots and tubers contribute to some extent to minerals and vitamins apart from providing energy.

Pure carbohydrates provide only energy (empty calories) and fats provide concentrated source of energy and fat soluble vitamins.

Body Building:

Foods rich in proteins are called body-building foods. These are classified into 2 groups:
  1. Milk, egg, meat, fish: Rich in proteins of biological value. These contain essential amino acids in correct proportion for synthesis of body tissues.
  2. Pulses, oilseeds and nuts: Rich in protein but may not contain all essential amino acids required by the body.

Protection and Regulation:

Foods rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals help in regulation of bodily functions e.g. maintaining heart beat, water balance, and temperature. These are classified as:
  1. Food rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins of high biological value. E.g., Milk, egg, fish, and liver.
  2. Foods rich in certain vitamins and minerals only e.g., green leafy vegetables and fruits.
Maintenance of Health:

Foods containing antioxidants and phytochemicals help in preventing degenerative diseases. E.g., Whole grains, soyabean, green leafy vegetables, coloured fruits and spices.

Depending on the category of food, it is grouped into eleven simple groups as below. These groups identify each food as per its composition.

Food Group
Cereals and Millets

Cereals - Rice, Wheat etc.
Millets - Ragi, Jowar etc.
Good sources of vitamin B1, B5 and B6. They are also good sources of minerals like Phosphorus and Iron. They are composed of 6-12% protein and 70-80% calories.


Bengal gram, Black gram, Red gram etc.
A good source of B vitamins (except Vitamin B12) and minerals. 
Nuts and oilseeds:
Cashew nut, chestnut, almonds etc.
They are good sources of fats, Vitamin B, Vitamin E and minerals like phosphorous, iron and calcium.

Classified into 3 groups
Green leafy Vegetables

Roots and tubers

Other vegetables

Amaranth, spinach etc.

Carrot, potato, onion etc.

Brinjal, capsicum, drumsticks etc.

Good sources of calcium, riboflavin, folic acid, Vitamin C and Vitamin A.

Good source of carbohydrates, carotene (carrot) and sodium (beetroot).

Good sources of vitamin C and fair source of carotene.

Mango, orange, papaya etc.
Good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Iron.
Milk and Milk Products:
Milk and its products like cheese, curd, khoa etc.
Good sources of proteins, fat, riboflavin, Vitamin A and Calcium.


Composed of 13% proteins, 13% fats, Vitamins A, B and D.
Meats, Fish and other animal foods:

Rich in proteins and fair sources of Vitamin B.
Fats and Oils:
Butter, ghee, hydrogenated fats and cooking oils
Good sources energy, essential fatty acids and Vitamin E.
Sugar and other carbohydrate foods:

Sugar, jaggery
Good source of energy.
Condiments and Spices
Asafoetida, Bay leaves, Cardamom, Cloves etc.
Used mainly for enhancing the palatability of the diet. Improves the flavor of the food.

Too many groups to remember?? Simplifying it further, the Indian Council of Medical Research classified foods depending on their nutritive value for the convenience of planning diets.
Basic Five Food Groups as classified by ICMR
Food Group
Cereals, grains and products:
Energy, proteins, invisible fats, thiamin, folic acid, riboflavin, iron and fibre.
Pulses and Legumes:
Energy, proteins, thiamin, calcium, iron, folic acid, fibre, riboflavin and invisible fats.
Milk and meat products:
Protein, fat, riboflavin and calcium.
Fruits and Vegetables:
Carotene, Vitamin C, fibre, invisible fat, riboflavin, folic acid, iron and fibre.
Fats and Sugars:
 Energy, fat, essential fatty acid.

The knowledge about food groups helps for better nutritional assessment and nutritional counseling. It makes labeling of foods easier. It is helpful to understand foods in a better and easy manner.

Post by Chaya Ranasinghe