Wednesday 7 October 2015

Groundnut Jaggery Chikki

Chikki or peanut brittle is a power packed nut bar made with jaggery and peanuts. There are several different varieties of chikki in addition to the most common groundnut chikki. Each chikki is named depending upon the ingredients used. Chikki can also be made with sugar. It’s a healthy snack option and a powerhouse of iron and omega fats. Apart from making the chikki bar, chikki ladoos can also be made with this same recipe.


500 gm skinless peanuts/groundnuts (Split)
300 gm jaggery, cut into small pieces
4 tbsps ghee/ clarified butter 


  1. Heat a pan on a medium flame, and gently roast (stirring frequently) the peanuts. Remove from heat and cool.
  2.  Grease a large, flat plate with some ghee and keep aside.
  3. Put a deep, heavy-bottomed pan on the fire (medium heat) and add the jaggery and ghee to it. Allow to melt and cook (stirring almost continuously) till it turns dark brown. Test for doneness now and often till ready. You will know it is ready when a drop of it put onto a clean surface, cools to harden to a brittle consistency.
  4. Turn off the heat and add the roasted peanuts. Fold in so the peanuts are fully coated. Immediately pour this mixture onto the previously greased plate and smooth with the back of the spoon to form a flat, 1/2" thick layer. Allow to cool then break into bite-sized pieces.
  5. To make chikki ladoos, wait till the mixture is warm enough to take in hand and shape into small balls.
  6. Chikki can be stored for a couple of days in an airtight container, in a cool, dry place.

Note: Sometimes the chikki may turn out to be extra sticky and hard on the teeth, to avoid this you can add a little amount of water while melting the jaggery.

Recipe Faiz Lahori

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