Friday 10 July 2015

Acidity - Remedies

Acidity is a form of indigestion in which there is accumulation of acid leading to a burning sensation in the stomach and the digestive tract.

The stomach produces acid periodically to aid in digestion and when we don’t eat regularly or are too stressed, the stomach produces more acids which harm our body.

The symptoms of acidity are burning sensation in the digestive tract, headache, sour burps and dizziness due to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels).

Following is the list of food items which will help relieve acidity:

Basil Leaves
The soothing properties of basil leaves can give you instant relief from acidity, gas and nausea.
         Simply eat some basil leaves at the first sign of acid upset. Be sure to chew them thoroughly.
           Boil three to five basil leaves in a cup of water and then let it simmer for a few minutes. You can sweeten this basil tea with honey. Do not add milk, though. Sip it frequently.
Cinnamon works as a natural antacid and helps dispel stomach gas.
       Add half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a cup of water. Boil it for few minutes. Drink this cinnamon tea two to three times a day.
Add cinnamon powder to your soup or salad.
It contains lactic acid that normalizes the acidity in the stomach.
       Grind half to one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds with a little water to make a paste. Mix it in a glass of buttermilk and consume it to relieve stomach ache caused by acidity.
     Or drink buttermilk several times a day until you get relief. Mix in a little black pepper or one tablespoon of coriander leaf juice for best results.
Apple Cider Vinegar
It has an alkalizing effect. Thus, it helps treat stomach acidity.
           Simply mix one or two teaspoons of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar in a cup of water. Drink it once or twice a day. You can also drink it before meals.
Cloves can help alleviate acidity and dispel gas due to their carminative effect that increases hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
        Chew two to three cloves thoroughly so that the juices are released into your system.
      Eating crushed cloves and cardamom mixed in equal amounts can help minimize acid trouble and freshen bad breath that often accompanies this problem.
Cumin Seeds
Cumin works as a great acid neutralizer and it aids in digestion and relieves stomach pain.

          Slightly crush some roasted cumin seeds and stir it into a glass of water. Drink it after every meal.
      Boil one teaspoon of cumin seeds in a cup of water, strain it and then drink the water after your meal.
           Mix one teaspoon each of coriander seed powder, cumin seed powder, fennel seed powder and some sugar in one-half cup of water. Drink it on an empty stomach.
The anti-inflammatory properties in ginger help treat acidity. Ginger juice can also neutralize stomach acids.
        During acidity just chew a slice of fresh ginger.
        Put some fresh ginger slices in a cup of boiling water, let it steep for a few minutes and then drink it.
       A spoonful of ginger juice taken two to three times a day can provide relief from acidity.
Jaggery aids digestion and becomes alkaline in the digestive system, thus reducing stomach acidity.

After each meal, suck on a small piece of jaggery until acidity subsides. This remedy is not suitable for people who have diabetes.
Fennel has carminative properties that aid digestion and help relieve stomach gas.
          Simply chew some aniseed after eating a heavy or spicy meal.
    Steep one or two teaspoons of fennel seeds in a cup of hot water. Strain and drink it a few times a day.
Cold Milk
Milk can help stabilize gastric acids in the stomach and give relief from acidity. Milk is rich in calcium, which prevents build-up of stomach acid.
    Simply drink a glass of cold milk to prevent or soothe acidity problems.
It has anthelmintic properties and it can stimulate the appetite too
         Sherbat made with kokum and perked with jeera is excellent in keeping acidity at bay.
The citric acid in lemon quickly changes an acid condition into an alkaline one thus dealing with the foundational cause of acidity rather than just suppressing the symptoms.
         Juice of one lemon mixed in half a glass of water and ½ tsp sugar if consumed before meals helps to relieve acidity.
Mint is known to calm stomach cramps and help beat acidity and flatulence.
      Fresh mint juice taken everyday or fresh mint leaves boiled in a cup of water and sipped slowly after meals also helps to keep the stomach acids at bay.
The juice of onions is an excellent remedy for acidity.
       Have raw onions in salads with meals or alternatively, try whole wheat or jowar rotis made with onions.

Foods to be avoided in cases of acidity are Tea and coffee, Pickles, canned and preserved foods, vinegar, acidic fruits like orange, sweet ime, strawberry etc., confectionary and mithai, fermented foods like idli, dosa, dhokla, bread, cheese, etc., and tuvar dal.

Acidity can be prevented by following these simple steps:
  • Regular eating habits and a healthy diet.
  • Do not remain hungry for a long time. Have plenty of raw foods, salads and juices and avoid spicy or deep fried foods.
  • Eat in a calm and stress-free environment. Avoid irregular and hurried meals.
  • Have your evening meals atleast 2-3 hours before going to bed.
  • Drink plenty of water (atleast 6-8 glasses per day) and other fluids to maintain the acid balance in the stomach.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol.

Next time you suffer from acidity, try these remedies. If you do not get relief within a day or two, consult a doctor.

Post by Faiz Lahori


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