Thursday 22 October 2015

Diet for Underweight

Just exactly opposite to obesity is the problem of underweight. The concern for this condition also remains equal to as that for obesity. There there, now you know the importance of being just the right weight and not being the cause of global worries. J

People with BMI less than 18.5 are categorized as underweight. People who are underweight have reduced capacity for sustained heavy work and lower productivity. Immunological deficiencies are seen. Undernourished children have lower heights and weights. Pregnant women show a proportional increase in the risk of an underweight baby born. Greater proportion of time of such people is spent off work or in bed ill when BMI levels are below 17 in men and women.

The causes of underweight are many, such as, famine conditions or an inadequate diet in proteins or an attempt at reducing weight; debilitating diseases like TB, diabetes, malabsorption syndrome or cancer; anorexia nervosa; pathological conditions like fever, gastrointestinal disturbances and in hyperthyroidism.

The signs and symptoms of being underweight are thinning and dryness of hair, pituitary hormone abnormalities, reduced heart size, slowed heart rate, mild anemia, constipation, diminished muscle mass, dry skin, lowered total sleep time, mildly altered thyroid function, cold sensitivity, lowered body temperature, light headedness, absence of menstrual periods, brittle nails, loss of subcutaneous fat, slower reflexes and edema.

The dietary modification for an underweight person calls for a high calorie, high protein, and high fat diet with liberal vitamin intake. The cause for under-eating should be determined and eliminated before starting a diet.

Regular outdoor exercise helps to stimulate appetite. Emotional well being is essential to have a good appetite. Constipation may reduce appetite, so the bowel movements should be regulated with adequate fluids, exercise and fruits. Synthetic drinks, soft drinks, alcohol, aerated drinks, too much of tea and coffee reduce appetite and should be avoided.

Therefore, avoid the two extremes of body weight. Read Healthy. Stay Healthy.

Post by Faiz Lahori 

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